
Tara Motzenbecker, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, is available to present on a variety of topics. Tara has presented at schools, communities, conferences and social groups. Please contact Tara if you have a topic you or your group would like to learn more about.

Sarasota therapist

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Tara provides an overview of what anxiety is, how to recognize when it is unhelpful and then provides tips and strategies for managing anxiety and stress.

Sarasota Gifted Testing Pineview

Sarasota Gifted Program Testing and Eligibility Process

Tara provides an overview of when to test for giftedness, what the testing involves, how to prepare for it and then reviews the eligibility guidelines for the Sarasota County gifted programs including magnets (Pineview School).

Sarasota Therapist Gifted Testing Psychologist

Social Media and Mental Health

Tara reviews how using social media affects mental health and provides tips for managing your own use and children’s use.